I learned a whole segment on bird ID in a natural history course in college. The teacher was this tiny thing with tremendous energy, and she took us on a 5am nature walk. We listened to the cacophony of birdsong, enraptured but confused. She told us all the names we were hearing. To attract more birds she lifted her hand, curled into a fist, up to her mouth and lightly kissed the side of it to make a sound encouraging the birds. "Like this," she instructed. Joseph, standing right next to her, took her literally. He grabbed her hand and kissed it several times in rapid succession. I wish I could tell you how long the laughter went on (Joseph was a bit of a class clown, obviously), but the birds thought we were too noisy and departed.

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This is an amazing story. I'm chuckling out loud over here. My partner might think I've been out in the woods too long if I suddenly start practicing kissing my hand ... "It's for the birds, dear, really..."

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Jul 19Liked by Rey Katz (they/them)

I also like the Merlin app. I find it helps me to focus on the moment, by listening to what I can hear, instead of staying in my head.

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That's awesome and a great insight that the app helps you focus on your local environment! I think that's a big part of why I like it also. Thanks for sharing!

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Jul 19Liked by Rey Katz (they/them)

I love Merlin! My wife and I both have it on our phones, and it really is fun to figure out what species a particular bird is.

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Aww, that's great! It's really cool that you and your wife like Merlin too!

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Jul 19Liked by Rey Katz (they/them)

She likes it even more than I do. A few weeks ago, her phone died. It took us a while to figure out how to pay for a new one. The thing she missed most about not having her phone was that she couldn't use the sound identifier in Merlin.

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I'm sorry her phone died and y'all had to get a new one. The sound identifier has become a part of my routine lately so that is relatable to miss it if not available!

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